IBPS Specialist Officers Online Admit Card 2014|2015 Download Hall Ticket 12 Jun

IBPS Specialist Officers Admit Card-2013

IBPS has issued an examination notification for the present year under the section of Specialist Officers. Individuals, who are eager to work in banking sector, have to qualify the examination. IBPS organizes exam at all India level. 

Eligibility Constraints:

The educational background demands degree in Computer_Science/IT, Agricultural Engineering, for IT officer and Agriculture Officer respectively.
Individuals applying for Law officer’s cadre must have Bachelor’s degree in law.
Individuals applying for HR officer must hold MBA or certification in HRD, Management etc. CA aspirants are also applicable. Get other important notification and updates through www.sarkarinaukridetails.blogspot.in

Candidate’s age should comply within twenty to thirty five years.

Selection Procedure:

Written test will be organized by the authority at prescribed centers, where candidates have to appear for the exam. Examination mode is online. Negative Marking is applicable.

Instructions to Apply:

Applicants can go to official link.
Read the advertisement, and click at the Specialist Officers notifications.
Follow the key steps and proceed for form filling.
All the entries should be accurate. None field should be left blank because each field is compulsory and if it is left blank, the form will not get accepted.
A requisite amount Rs. 400 is needed to be paid by Gen candidates.SC/ST Aspirants are required to pay only Rs.50.
If the registration gets over, take a print of application form and note down the Registration_Code.

Instructions for admit card download:

Admit Cards will be available from February-28th-2012. Candidates can check the official page to download their admit cards.
The examination will held on March-11-2012.
Aspirants must enter Registration_Code and Password and submit it. Once the authorization process gets over, admit cards can be visualized on the terminal.
Applicants must take a hard copy of the same, because it will be used for verification of the candidate.
Schedule of examination including date, time and venue is given on the admit card, individuals may check that all entries are correct and no errors are present, if any, please immediately contact the organization.

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