NCIPM Recruitment 2014 Application Form Official website 2015 25-May

NCIPM Recruitment

NCIPM refers to National centre for Integrated Pest Management Is a research institute approved by ICAR to conduct research on plant protection techniques. NCIPM has recently announced a recruitment notification to engage NPO_National Project Officer and DEO_Data Entry Operator. Candidates may refer the official webpage to extract all necessary details regarding eligibility constraints and other conditions. Other details are given below.

Job Details:

Post- NPO

Stream- Entomology

Project- National Information system for Pest Management

Emoluments: Twenty four thousand, with thirty percent HRA for PhD. candidates and twenty three thousand in addition to thirty percent HRA for M.Sc. candidates.

Eligibility Constraints:

The essential qualification demands M.Sc. or Ph.D in Agri or its related subjects with work experience of two years in relevant field

Post- Data Entry operator

Number of vacant posts- Two

Emoluments- Eight Thousand per month

Eligibility Constraints:

The essential qualification demands Graduation degree along with one year certification course in computers. Candidate must be having a work experience of one year in computer operations.

Selection procedure:

The selection of the candidates shall be made on the basis of interview.  The decision of selection Committee shall be considered final.

How to Apply:

Candidate must bring a detailed biodata that contains all necessary information including personal, academic and career details.
Candidates are supposed to bring all certificates and mark sheets in original, because they will be asked for verification process.
Candidates have to attend a walk in interview that is to be conducted on Jun-11th-2013 at 10 AM.
Candidates are supposed to attend the interview at their own cost of expenses.
For more queries, candidate may visit the link ( Get other important notification and updates through

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