JNU Recruitment 2014 jnu.ac.in Result Application Form Exam 2014-2015 29-May


JNU_Jawaharlal Nehru University is all set to make new appointment for the vacant lying post of Medical_Officer.  Candidates may refer the official web page to extract all necessary details and all terms and conditions applicable with the post. Other basic details are given below.

Profile Details

Designation- Medical Officer

Total Available Vacancy- One

Pay-Scale- Fifteen Thousand Six Hundred to Thirty nine Thousand One Hundred in addition to grade pay of rupees five thousand four hundred.

Eligibility Standards:

The essential qualification demands MBBS. Candidate must have completed MBBS from a well recognized institute; candidate must have completed the internship. The degree must be registered with medical Council of India.
Candidates who are enrolled in Post Graduate programs or completed it will be given extra preference.
Candidates must have a work experience of at least two years in as a Medical Practitioner in any Govt Hospital after internship.
Candidate’s age limit must be up to thirty two years.

Selection Criteria:

To be decided by the concerned authority.  A written test or interview (if taken) shall be reimbursed.

Application Procedure:

Before applying, candidate must read all terms and conditions carefully and get ensured that they are able to meet all eligibility requirements.
Candidates having the desired qualification can proceed for online application.
Applicants are supposed to fill all the particulars carefully.
After filling all the mandatory fields, applicant must click on form submission.
Applicants have to enclose a Demand Draft of rupees five hundred by Gen and OBC candidates in favor of Finance officer, JNU payable at New Delhi. Get other important notification and updates through www.sarkarinaukridetails.blogspot.in

The closing date for application is Jun-24th-2013

In case of any doubt, go to the link (www.jnu.ac.in).

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