Gurukula Kangri Vishwavidyalaya Recruitment 2014 Application Form Official website 2015 25-May

Gurukula Kangri Vishwavidyalaya Recruitment

Gurukula Kangri Vishwavidyalaya has recently announced a notification to engage a project fellow under a research project funded by UGC. Interested candidates who are willing to join this reputed organization should apply as soon as possible. Students who are deep thinkers and able to take all sorts of challenges in research field need apply. Other details are given below.

Profile Details: 

Position- Project Fellow

Number of vacant post- One

Project Name- Theoretical Study of Rare Earth Maganites doped with alkaline earth exhibiting colossal Magnetoresistance Phenomena.

Funded by- UGC

Work Location- Haridwar

Supervisor- Dr. Sunil Panwar

Tenure- Three years

Emoluments- Fourteen Thousand per month for first two years and sixteen thousand per month from third year.

Eligibility Criteria:

Candidate’s age limit must not exceed forty years.
The essential qualification demands Master’s degree in Physics with at least fifty five percent marks. Candidates having M.Phil will be given more preference.
Candidates must be proficient in Computers and well versed with its applications.

Selection Procedure:
The selection of the candidates shall be made on the basis of interview. The decision of selection Committee shall be considered final.

How to Apply:

Candidates have to apply with a detailed resume that should contain all necessary details, including candidate’s name, guardian’s name, address, email address, phone number, qualification details giving board and university details, studied from high school onwards.
Application must be sent to Registrar, GKV, and Haridwar before the last date of May-30th-2013.
Candidates have to attend the interview at the cost of their own expenses.
Short listed candidates will be informed for interview schedule. Get other important notification and updates through

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